Our body needs energy for performing dailylife activities. Glucose (blood sugar) is broken down to release energy viainsulin hormone secreted by the pancreas. When the pancreas doesn't make insulin, or when the body can't utilize the insulin it produces, diabetes is a condition that is more likely to occur.
1. Diabetes Definition
The elevated level of sugar or glucose in the bloodstream is termed diabetes, leading to severe outcomes with time ifoverlooked.
Types of Diabetes
Three types of diabetes have been reported; type 1, type 2, and gestational.
Tye 1 diabetes
A diabetes type 1(juvenile diabetes) patient has little or no insulin produced in the body. Itcan be evolved at any age, but most common in kids and adults.
Type 2 diabetes
A diabetes type 2 patient has insulin producedin the body, but for some reason, cells stop using this insulin, or the bodydoesn't use it appropriately.
Gestational diabetes
This type of diabetesis found only in pregnant ladies and may result in complexities both in motherand infant.
2. Common Symptoms
· More micturition,frequently at night
· Weight loss
· More hunger andthirst
· Eyesight problems
· Dehydrate skin
· Feeling sleepy and fatigued
If you observe any ofthese symptoms, visit your doctor for a blood sugar test.
2.1. Blood Sugar Test
It is a test performedto find whether a person has diabetes or not. For performing the test, thesugar level in an individual's bloodstream is measured. At fasting, a healthyperson usually has a blood sugar level ranging from 70 to 99* mg/dL(3.9 to 5.5 mmol/L).
3. Cure of Diabetes
With the moderndevelopments and proceedings on diabetes, it is acknowledged misleadingly thatthis disease is curable, primarily type 1 and 2 diabetes. But it is not valid.Individuals with gestational diabetes are more likely to get rid of this afterlabor, but still, there is a chance to have diabetes later in their life. Cureof diabetes is not possible, but remission of diabetes is what we can do withsome treatments.
4. Remission of Diabetes
Remission meansreducing the symptoms of diabetes by dealing with the disease appropriatelyonce it is being identified. We can do this in two ways; by some naturalremedies (as suggested by dr.) or ayurvedic home remedies.Both can help you in the remission of diabetes naturally.
4.1. Some NaturalRemedies
A diabetic patient canquickly minimize the effects of the disease by lowering the blood glucose levelnaturally by following some simple steps.
4.1.1 Regular Exercise
Adopting a habit ofdaily exercising will help you to use the sugar present in your bloodstream.One can perform a blood sugar test daily to see whether theexercise creates an effect.
4.1.2 Controlled Diet
Food with rich fiber contents, low carbs, and a lower glycemic index is suggested as a diabetic dietby nutritionists. A high-carb diet is strictly prohibited. A proper diet planis prescribed according to the type of diabetes and medicine given by thedoctor.
a. Food avoided in diabetes;
· Baked or bakery food(rich in sugar)
· Fried food (Rich infat)
· Energy drinks andjuices
· Food with salt(Sodium)
b. Food suggested in diabetes;
· Green veggies (Richin fibers)
· Low-fat milk (richin sugar)
· Seafood
· Water
· Beans and grains
c. Food Supplements
If you have some vitamin or other deficiency in your body, it's better to take food supplements.Typically, they are not encouraged in the case of diabetic patients without adoctor's consultation as most of them can elevate the blood sugar level. So, adiabetic patient can have a supplement only if the doctor prescribes it.
4.1.3 Stress management
- Our body's
Endocrine system works on the feedback mechanism. It can be positive or negative. Glucagon isa hormone secreted by cortisol (adrenal glands) that is an antagonist toinsulin. It increases the blood sugar level when needed and inhibits insulinrelease. Our adrenal gland's hormones are usually released in a stressedcondition. Hence, for diabetic patients, it is necessary to control theirstress levels.
4.2. Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Ayurveda can perform aprominent role in maintaining blood sugar (high sugar ka ilaj) levels to avoid any complexity of thedisease. Some of the most frequently recommended ayurvedic home remedies withthe best results.